Now I didn’t just choose these mods as your first installs for any reason. So check them out in the top-right if you need a refresher. These are covered in the Mod Organizer 2 Intro video and SKSE64 video respectively. This video is continuing from my previous guides and at this point, you should know the installation processes for the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch and the Skyrim Script Extender. My takeaway is: know your limitation but also don’t be afraid to be independent and make yourself think a little bit. That being said, if you’re new to modding and this is the first guide you’re following, this isn’t the end and I still have a lot more videos coming down the pipe with a whole lot more for you to learn. I want to make you capable of doing that on your own.

As I’ve stated before, I’m not here hold your hand and tell you exactly which mods you need. Go online, look up some popular mods, read about them and find a few that you’d really like to experiment with in future videos. In fact, after this video, I really encourage you to that very thing. With this video, you will get you to a level where you’re comfortable downloading some mods on your own and trying them out. Before I can get into LOOT though, I want you to really be comfortable with the process of installing a variety of different basic mods for your game. This video serves as a bridge, if you would, between my last video, where we installed SKSE64 and my next video which will be about a tool called LOOT.