Jesus loves me lyrics
Jesus loves me lyrics

They also taught Bible classes for the cadets at West Point, who were ferried to the Warner home on Constitution Island. Warner and her sister Susan wrote popular novels under the pen names Amy Lothrop and Elizabeth Wetherell. It was published in Say and Seal (1860), a novel Warner wrote in collaboration with her sister Susan, author of another popular children's hymn, “Jesus Bids Us Shine.” In this now-forgotten novel a dying boy, Johnny Fax, is comforted by his church school teacher, who sings to him the four original stanzas of this hymn. Constitution Island, near West Point, NY, 1915) wrote this beloved children's hymn text in 1859.

jesus loves me lyrics

And since I happen to be one of them, you better believe I’m putting it on A Slugs and Bugs Christmas.St. If you’re a kid, and you’ve been naughty, and not nice… Santa is not really an option for you… you know? All those kids that didn’t watch out, as well as those who went ahead and cried. Well, we’re putting Jesus Loves Me on the Slugs and Bugs Christmas record, so as a sneak peek into what is to come, here are the new lyrics… complete with the original verse and chorus.Īnd why put Jesus Loves Me on a Christmas album, you may ask? Well, I was thinking of all those kids that haven’t been good (for goodness sake). And since I’ve begun performing the new version, I’ve had more requests for the lyrics to this song than any other Slugs and Bugs song.

jesus loves me lyrics

Many moons ago I was inspired by a conversation with my daughter to write new verses to the old tune, since traditionally, children sing only the first verse and chorus. And with it’s beautifully simple melody and message, it is not hard to see why. Written in 1860, Jesus Loves Me has surely left the lips of more children than any other song in history. In the brief history of church music for kids, there is but one song that reigns as king.

Jesus loves me lyrics